Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Incredible Shrinking Bladder!

I saw this on another site and could not believe that someone was actually able to capture my thoughts so precisely.

My goodness! It seems as if my bladder was just waiting to go on vacation and this pregnancy gave it the green light. I also find funny, how many things I must have forgotten from my other two pregnancies. I remember running to the potty the first few weeks, then I thought it took a break and didn't come back until much later in pregnancy. WOW who lied. If I sneeze or laugh to hard, look out. The other day my four year old did something that I had to laugh at, but first, I had to move her off my lap and run to the restroom. Then and only then was it safe to laugh. Which for my 14 year old quickly changed the direction of laughter from her little sister to me.

At any rate, I know all Mother's young, old, first time or repeat offenders know the felling of "clear the way I need the restroom now". So I thought I would share the above with each of you. Feel free to chime in with any funny stories of your own.

Have a great night and don't forget, get plenty of fluids! Growing baby needs them and it's up to expecting moms everywhere to keep those commodes employed!

Thanks: Baby-gaga for a funny but true cartoon!

15 Weeks 2 Days: Are You Serious Braxton Hicks Already?

Calling All Mothers and Dads with good memories (can't leave you out)

When did you start experiencing Braxton Hicks? I just called my Dr and left a message because all day I have been having these weird cramps, They feel like my undies are too tight, but I have a secret. I'm not wearing any. So that can't be it. However. If memory serves me correct they feel like they could just be Braxton Hicks.

So for my sanity lets discuss how far along you were when you first experience them. Tell me all about it, how far along were you and did they ever send you to the Dr? How intense were they? Did they last a day?

Now I also found a page that had a great description of what they are, so if you are unfamiliar with the term or need a refresher,like me. click here

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Foot Stools and Fibroids!

Hi all!
So guess what? We know what we are having....a baby. However we still don't know the sex. As many of you know (if you follow my tweets) I had my First Trimester Screening yesterday. Now if any of you have had them then you will understand my sentiment completely, however if you are reading this and you have to have one allow me to explain what happened to me. If you are young, spry and under 35 unless there are other concerns that your Dr has, then you more than likely won't have to worry about this at all.

Now one thing I should mention. If ever your Dr. suggest that you have this screening done, know that it is not harmful to you or the baby. They simply ask you a lot of questions regarding your family history, take a blood drawing from which they only use five drops, then the ultrasound. That's it. This screening will give you nothing more than probabilities of conditions, not if there is or is not a condition present.

I think the most difficult part for me was trying to go through the family history of who had what and how old they are when they got it. People if you have to go in for this screening, please call your mothers, grandmothers, aunts and uncles and get the most detailed medical history that you can. I mean the on the front porch in the summer with a glass of country time details. both Maternal and Paternal sides. So Dad you aren't off the hook either, lucky for you, you can take notes over a couple of cold beers. After we went through the history they explain the test and the follow up test.

Ok, there were two people in my consultation one was a Dr. the other was a student. Duke is after all a teaching Hospital. Not that I mind. However the young lady had in her mind how the conversation would go and did not count on me already being prepared. I had talked with a friend who is in med school and already completed her OB rounds, in addition my OB had prepared me very well prior to sending me over. So when she got to the part of asking if I would like to have further testing done (ie CVS or Amnio) and my answer was a quick no, she was stumped. She gave me the well let me explain why they are important. I gave her the let me explain that I don't want to go any further than this.

So I finally get out of there and go for my ultrasound. It was so wonderful to see the baby. Even though this is not my first pregnancy there are somethings that will never change. Like the first time you hear a heart beat or the first time you see the baby on screen. Aw. Ok so. The First thing the sonagrapher says is, "your are farther along than you think." Ok, no big deal. I'm actually like cool that means they should certainly be able to see the sex of the baby...right...wrong, No such luck!

What we did find out is that I have several fibroids, which I already knew AND that the baby likes to tuck its head under one when they want to measure it and prop its feet on the other when resting (see above photo for proof). Hey as long as we know the little bean is healthy and appears to be happy in there. We can live without knowing its gender a wee bit longer.

Did anyone else have this testing done and walk away knowing the sex of the baby? I was told they should have been able to tell me.

Also the new due date is March 26, 2010

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Baby on a Buck

When you are expecting a sweet bundle of joy and that little wonder will be one of 5 siblings it becomes very obvious that one needs to be very creative when it comes to preparing his/her arrival.

So here are four ways that I am trying out in order to have a baby on a buck. This time I am going to try coupons, cloth diapers (still under consideration) consignment shops, nursing and making my own baby food.

Buck Saver Number One: Coupons, Sweepstakes and Freebies:

As I stated in a previous post. Most retailers now have websites where you can go and register for free. In exchange they will send you updates on sales, coupons and all sorts of other goodies. Most of them will give you the option of leaving your address as well, I suggest that you give it to them. Nothing more fun than finding a sample of cereal in your mailbox to help wash down the bills:). In addition there are so many sites that offer sweepstakes, giveaways and a wealth of knowledge. Most of them are parents much like ourselves who are trying to find the best way to manage parenthood on a budget.

If you have or know of a site or blog that offers coupons, sweepstakes or giveaways please leave a comment below so that others can find you!

I just entered a contest for a free Britax giveaway at gograhamgo you should go join ae well!
OK this is really getting good mamacheaps is also giving away a Brritax Marathon Car Seat!!!
Buck Saver Number Two:

Cloth Diapers vs. Disposable Diapers. Ok so the debate has begun. I have been reading up lately on the harmful effects disposable diapers are having on the environment. As well as how the bleaching process that the diapers go through leave a chemical behind that some say is harmful, perhaps even leads to cancer. I have only just begun my research on this so I am not sure. What I do know is that disposable diapers even with coupons is still quite a financial undertaking. so why not consider cloth diapers. Yes I know it means more frequent changing. I'm ok with that, who wants to sit around with pee on them? I don't nor should the little ones. The only other thing is Diapering Services. Anyone with any experience want to speak out? Do these services still exist? If so what do they run?

In addition I do have one other question. What do you do with the really messy diapers? Do you wash them first then put them in the bin for the cleaner? Is there some sort of hazmat container that you place them in the is smell proof? This might be my deciding factor:).

Buck Saver Number Three:

Consignment shops. I have a lot of friends who have sung the praises of consignment shops for years. If they will only read me saying that I am going consignment shopping their mouths would surely hit the floors. However after you have your first child and everything has to be brand spanking new and you pass the crib, strollers and high chairs along to your friends, who then pass them along until someone takes it to the consignment shop you realize that some items will rarely outlive their use during one infants use. Not to mention you can save lots of bucks buying these gently used products.

Here is a shop that was recommended to me and look at the nice things they have to offer.
The Kangaroo Pouch

Buck Saver Number Four:

Nursing and Fixin' Food. I have nursed each of my children for various amounts of time. this child will be no different. I know that most people when trying to convince you to nurse will say that it is good for the baby. this is true. Not only is it good for the baby but it also helps us to get our bodies back into shape after giving birth.

However what some lactation activist will not tell you is that nursing saves you lots and lots of money. Most formulas are $23.00 a can and quickly becomes one of the biggest complaints new parents have. However if you are nursing and pumping you can push that formula bill back quite a ways. Even if you do both, it will still cut the amount of money you spend on formula.

If you are considering nursing or you are nursing there are several resources out the that can help you so that you don't give up. Here are a couple:

La Leche League
Blacktating (she has giveaways also;))

In addition to nursing I also make my own baby food. It started with my oldest daughter because I had a friend who made it for her son. Then it just continued. However one of my daughters had severe reflux. Because it was so bad I did not want to risk putting her on anything that might upset her stomach. I made her food on Sunday nights, I put it in ice trays and froze overnight and placed in Ziploc bags and kept frozen until I was ready to use. take out a cube or two let thaw then heat up. It was great, her daycare provider even said that the children who would not eat the jar stuff would eat her food. Get a food processor and give it a try. If you find that you are at a standstill with variety, take a stroll down the jar aisle and see what combinations they have then get creative.

Well these are my tips, I hope they work for us. If you have any ideas, please share. Also if you have one of those great sites that have freebies and giveaways or info on cloth diapers leave your info in a comment.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Attack of the Nosey Neighbor

Hi All:
Okay so maybe some of you have one of these and perhaps others are fortunate enough to not have one. I am one of the not so fortunate in this regard. I have the nosiest neighbor on the face of the earth. Now don't get me wrong. When my roses were ill and I did not know it. She was the first one to spot it and let me know exactly what to do. Not only that, but she is very good at keeping me abreast of all the things one needs to know about our neighborhood.

However today, today she crossed the line! Picture this, nice Wednesday afternoon, a break from the 90 degree weather we have been experiencing and I decide to take my phone conversation on a nice stroll to the mailbox. Yes, yapping and checking the mail is an art form. So as I am approaching the mailbox I see her coming. I think to myself, "awww shoot" but proceed with my walk. She turns the corner just as I approach, yet I'm thinking "she sees me on the phone, no way she will stop." Ha, silly me. She stops, rolls down the window and has what i like to call the "southern BS conversation" . Hi, how are you, blah blah blah. Mind you, I am on the phone. She then pauses and looks away as if to say, she is done. Then it happens. She opens her mouth and says, "Well you know 'MamaLuv' I'm almost afraid to ask, but are you, uhh pregnant?" Oh me being the sarcastic Northerner wanted to say, "What pregnant! Me No of course not!" just to see the embarrassment on her face. However she is the President of our Home Owners Association and one is always cautious when crossing them. So I politely smiled and answered her in the affirmative. Dare I forget to mention my so-called friend laughing hysterically in my ear.

Now see the part of the conversation that got me was the, "I'm almost afraid to ask" Translation: "Dang you are blowing up and I hope its because you are pregnant!" As if I were not smart enough to read between the lines. Moral of the story: Leave it to older southern women to know how to make even poop smell like roses. So from this day forward she will always be known as the nosey neighbor, because all she had to do was keep driving and wave like we always do. If I had a bubble of denial reagrding my shape that I had hoped to cling to. Her question certainly popped that sucka:)!

*Nosey neighbor is actually a kind person, I just thought the story was to funny to keep to myself. Perhaps next time I see her I will let her know that I am almost 12 weeks and due in April. Have a great night and if you have a similar story, please share.

WIC Changes Program To Promote Healthier Diet

It has been announced that come October the Women, Infant and Children Program (more affectionately known as WIC) will undergo some changes that are to include more health conscious options.

The program was established about 30 years ago and the focus at that time was vitamin deficiency. It has not undergone any changes since then until now. People who will be participating in this program will now be able to purchase whole grain breads, brown rice, tofu, fresh fruits and vegetables. In exchange for one dozen eggs, less juice and less cheese. This is a good thing as the obesity rate in children continues to climb. In addition we also know that for both pregnant and nursing mothers the healthier they eat the healthier the baby will be.

For more information please contact your local WIC office.

Monday, September 14, 2009


Hi Again:)
I am trying out something new this go round. What I have been doing lately is going to all the sites I can think of and registering for their goodies and coupons. Although everyone is saying that we are on the upswing of these harsh economic times, one thing that we should all walk away from this thinking about is how to make our money last longer. So I thought it would be a good idea to pass some of these links on to you and hopefully if you know of any you will share them wit the rest of us as well.


Formula and Food


Car Seats and Strollers


This is just the first batch of many sites that I have joined, but I figure it would be a good start for you. Most of the sites not only offer coupons but will also give you bonus points for purchases that you make. So after totalling so many enfamil points you can receive free formula etc. There are also sweepstakes on the sites that offer goodies like a year supply of free diapers.

Also scour through all of the free baby magazines that you have received. Most of them will contain useful coupons as well. I have found coupons for 2.00 off of Balmex and it cost 2.96 or 20% off purchases at Baby Depot (Burlington Coat Factory).

This is just the first batch of many sites that I have applied for, but I figure it would be a good start for you.

It takes about 5 minutes per page to do and can save you a good bit of change, so go sign up.

Classes about Prenatal appointments and care, Hmmm!?!?!?!

Hi All,
So as it turns out my first prenatal appointment was not exactly an appointment at all. I mean I had a scheduled time to be there, but what happened once I arrived was something I had not experienced with my previous children.

It was in fact a prenatal class. What is that you ask? Well let me tell you. I went to the appointment where I had blood drawn, was weighed and went over my medical and familial history (most of which was already in the system bc I had done it online). after this was done and I had about a 20 minute conversation with the nurse, she told me to follow her where we proceeded to go into a room with three other expecting mothers and one very nervous looking Father to be. There were pens on the table as well as an ice cold bottle of water and a fruit snack. We were given a 45 page book and proceeded to go through the book page by page. This took approx 45 minutes. the class was instructed by a very nice well informed nurse and most of the information was useful. I think I would have been more into it had I known exactly what I was getting into and if this were my first pregnancy. I was sitting there through a good bit of it wishing it was on my DVR and that I could fast forward.

After the class was over I was lead back into the exam room for another 15 minutes to go over any other questions that I might have and to discuss the idea of First Trimester Screening.

When did these classes start? Has anyone else ever taken them? What were your feelings? I don't know. Like I said, were this my first child I think I would have been more into hearing about vaginal discharge and listening to the other mother ask if it was OK to continue doing sit ups why she was pregnant. As it stood that day I was just ready to go home and have lunch.

On the other hand I must give it to the group where I am being seen. They are very thorough, very attentive and so far their follow through has been excellent. I was very comfortable and impressed that the nurse had such a wide knowledge base. In addition the book did have alot of useful information. Including which OTC medications are safe to take, that is always a tough one to figure out. If you are in the RTP area and expecting, take a look at Harris and Smith OB-GYN they are part of the Duke Health System.

I'll fill you in on my first REAL appointment a little later.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Gray and Pregnant 101

Ok Folks just to set the record straight, this is not some clever play on my last name like Grey's Anatomy. I am a 36 yr old woman with two children, who is in love with the man of her dreams who happens to have two children as well. We temporarily live 4 states apart and we are expecting what will be our 5th child. I also happen to have gray hair. However, I'm thinking at the end of this nine months there will probably be more:). At any rate, We are absolutely thrilled to be pregnant and want to share our adventure with each of you. Please feel free to chime in with your own stories, coupons, specials, and just about anything baby/parent related that you can think of. I promise you this one thing. I will try my best to keep my stories as close to how they play out in my head as possible. Warning I have a very active imagination and have been through the maternity thing enough to understand that there are times when you are scared, angry, happy and out right grumpy. So this might not always be the cute cuddly happy go lucky stories that one normally finds on the web. I'll leave those to all the first time moms-to-be :). It is my hope to keep you entertained and well informed. As I stated earlier I am 36 and have had one high-risk pregnancy, and with that comes a series of concerns from the folks in the medical world. So there might be times when I am not only sharing my experience with you but will ask for your input also. However I know things will be just fine. At any rate, I just wanted to stop by introduce myself and let you know that tomorrow is our first Dr's appointment. Updates to follow. By the way, we're 10 weeks, how about you?