Tuesday, September 29, 2009

15 Weeks 2 Days: Are You Serious Braxton Hicks Already?

Calling All Mothers and Dads with good memories (can't leave you out)

When did you start experiencing Braxton Hicks? I just called my Dr and left a message because all day I have been having these weird cramps, They feel like my undies are too tight, but I have a secret. I'm not wearing any. So that can't be it. However. If memory serves me correct they feel like they could just be Braxton Hicks.

So for my sanity lets discuss how far along you were when you first experience them. Tell me all about it, how far along were you and did they ever send you to the Dr? How intense were they? Did they last a day?

Now I also found a page that had a great description of what they are, so if you are unfamiliar with the term or need a refresher,like me. click here


  1. I know when I was having pains like that right around that time...the doc told me it was all my muscles/ligaments starting to stretch, etc to prep for baby growth....even though it scared me, it was nice to know it was nothing serious:) Good luck

  2. Thanks Mom,
    I figured its something like that. But they out you on edge with all the high risk, old lady talk.

  3. I had braxton hicks throughout my pregnancy - from about 15 weeks every day several times a day??

  4. Thanks for your input. Its comforting to have other Mom's let me know it's normal and that they have gone through a similar experience. The nurse jst said drink fluids and take Tylenol. Now Im not super holistic by any means but I knew what I was getting into w/this one early on. So taking meds for minor aches and pains is not on my list of things to do.

    I will walk, drink more and grin and bare it like many of us have for centuries. thanks for the moral support ladies it helps!
