Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Foot Stools and Fibroids!

Hi all!
So guess what? We know what we are having....a baby. However we still don't know the sex. As many of you know (if you follow my tweets) I had my First Trimester Screening yesterday. Now if any of you have had them then you will understand my sentiment completely, however if you are reading this and you have to have one allow me to explain what happened to me. If you are young, spry and under 35 unless there are other concerns that your Dr has, then you more than likely won't have to worry about this at all.

Now one thing I should mention. If ever your Dr. suggest that you have this screening done, know that it is not harmful to you or the baby. They simply ask you a lot of questions regarding your family history, take a blood drawing from which they only use five drops, then the ultrasound. That's it. This screening will give you nothing more than probabilities of conditions, not if there is or is not a condition present.

I think the most difficult part for me was trying to go through the family history of who had what and how old they are when they got it. People if you have to go in for this screening, please call your mothers, grandmothers, aunts and uncles and get the most detailed medical history that you can. I mean the on the front porch in the summer with a glass of country time details. both Maternal and Paternal sides. So Dad you aren't off the hook either, lucky for you, you can take notes over a couple of cold beers. After we went through the history they explain the test and the follow up test.

Ok, there were two people in my consultation one was a Dr. the other was a student. Duke is after all a teaching Hospital. Not that I mind. However the young lady had in her mind how the conversation would go and did not count on me already being prepared. I had talked with a friend who is in med school and already completed her OB rounds, in addition my OB had prepared me very well prior to sending me over. So when she got to the part of asking if I would like to have further testing done (ie CVS or Amnio) and my answer was a quick no, she was stumped. She gave me the well let me explain why they are important. I gave her the let me explain that I don't want to go any further than this.

So I finally get out of there and go for my ultrasound. It was so wonderful to see the baby. Even though this is not my first pregnancy there are somethings that will never change. Like the first time you hear a heart beat or the first time you see the baby on screen. Aw. Ok so. The First thing the sonagrapher says is, "your are farther along than you think." Ok, no big deal. I'm actually like cool that means they should certainly be able to see the sex of the baby...right...wrong, No such luck!

What we did find out is that I have several fibroids, which I already knew AND that the baby likes to tuck its head under one when they want to measure it and prop its feet on the other when resting (see above photo for proof). Hey as long as we know the little bean is healthy and appears to be happy in there. We can live without knowing its gender a wee bit longer.

Did anyone else have this testing done and walk away knowing the sex of the baby? I was told they should have been able to tell me.

Also the new due date is March 26, 2010


  1. Hello -
    I have four children, 1 year to 19. the last two, I was the dreaded "advanced maternal age." In fact, I was so darn old this last baby, I got sent to a perinatologist. I have had the early screening done (Did anyone else have this testing done and walk away knowing the sex of the baby? I was told they should have been able to tell me.) The only was they can tell you is if they get a visual, usually the earliest, by a stretch, is 14 weeks... or by amnio or cvs.

    I got lucky with baby #3. I was 14 weeks when I had my level 2 ultrasound, and they projected it onto this huge monitor. I could see that he was a boy before they even said a word. He was just laying there, legs sprawled open for all the world to see.

    Wehen we met with our counselor this last baby, they took all our info, calculated our numbers, and WooHoo, I was 29 again! Well, not really, but that was what our risk factor came out to. Because there was some confusion as to when I had actually gotten pregnane (long story, but didn't think we could) I was actually 17 weeks at this appointment. And luckily, Troll Baby was also an exhibitionist, and we saw her girlie parts right off. And again each month for the next 6 months.

    Good luck, enjoy your pregnancy... Now that you too have joined the "advanced maternal age" club, you will probably have a few more ultrasounds, and I am sure you will find out baby bean's true colors before his or her Happy Birth Day

  2. HI!Love your blog title! I am an over 35 Mom of twins!! heeHee! Please stop by

  3. I still recall the slight tears I shed at the sound of each of my childrens heart beats and the site of them on the ultra sound screen, Technology is indeed a beautiful thing.

  4. I just noticed something... If your little bean holds out until March 29th, he or she will be able to share a b-day with my beanpole who is turning 18 that day :P
